Denial Bay


Denial Bay: Not quite Bum F*&ck Nowhere but you can throw rocks at it from here!

Tired of tourist traps? Denial Bay says, “Hold my nonexistent beer!”

Sure, we don’t have the usual holiday hoopla. There are no five-star resorts (unless you count the resident blue swimmer crab colony). There are no trendy cafes with $12 avocado toast (in fact, there’s nowhere to get a coffee, so make sure you bring Aunty Manbel’s thermos). We also want to let you know there was a slight misunderstanding with a local hawker, Sunda Singh, Lolli Kaser Singh, and an axe in 1899, which ended when Lolli was the 17th South Australian executed by hanging.

But wait! Denial Bay offers a unique brand of boredom!

Craving a quiet getaway? We’ve got miles of deserted beach, perfect for contracting skin cancer. You may be lucky and catch the occasional whiting or squid, just begging to befriend your fishing rod (and then your stomach).

Need a pit stop? The only thing we can brag about is that we do have some of the cleanest public toilets this side of Nundroo, conveniently located right next to the boat ramp (because who doesn’t love a scenic view while taking a dump.) and not too far from our biggest drawcard, public BBQs.

Are you worried about the kiddos? Fear not! Denial Bay has a state-of-the-art (well, okay, slightly rusty) playground, guaranteed to keep the little ankle-biters entertained for at least 10 minutes. They can swing into oblivion, slide into despair, and see-saw with the crushing weight of existential boredom – just like you did as a child!

Denial Bay: Come for the serenity, stay for… well, don’t stay; get the hell out of here as soon as possible.

Denial Bay: We dare you to visit.
Pray it’s a bloody quick experience. 

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